SEIN 'Aware'

The Foundation

The Foundation

The Foundation

The AWARE Foundation Project is the leading non-profit environmental organization of the diving industry. Through education, advocacy, and the use of the AWARE Foundation project to preserve the goal of the underwater world.

To combat the problems of the underwater world, we work together in partnership with divers and underwater enthusiasts. We buy our Voluntierrende in practical Umweltaktivitaeten an example the International Cleanup Day and International Whale Shark Project. The AWARE project promotes the preservation of the environment by integrating their messages in the teaching materials of the diving exercises. Also it designs Campania for Protect the Sharks, Protect the Living Reef and AWARE Kids, etc. Because divers have a unique perspective of the underwater world, we see the Kriese the, the underwater world has very seriously. In 1989, PADI (Professional Association of Diving has Instructors) the AWARE philosophy developed - Aquatic World Awareness, responsability and Education. - To encourage divers to get their diving environment and formed a group of Umwetlschützern.

Project AWARE Foundation (International)
Unit 7, St. Philips Central, Albert Road, St. Philips
Bristol BS2 0PD. Great Britain Phone: +44 117 300 7313 / Fax: +44 117 300 7270

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