SEIN 'Aware'

Projekt 'Aware'

Project 'Aware', 17 September 2021

Project 'Aware', 17 September 2021

Säuberung unseres lokalen Tauchplatzes Pedra da Oura

teilnehmers: 6 tauchers.

The Foundation

The Foundation

The AWARE Foundation Project is the leading non-profit environmental organization of the diving industry. Through education, advocacy, and the use of the AWARE Foundation project to preserve the goal of the underwater world.

Project 'Aware', Santa Eulália

Project 'Aware', Santa Eulália

Santa Eulália

This year we have been working with Project Aware and monitoring this one site and cleaning monthly, giving reports to Project Aware so they are able to build statistics up of how pollution, over fishing and trash is changing. This is a worldwide campaign and we hope to do more sites next year and make a difference.


Project 'Aware', 19 September 2015

Project 'Aware', 19 September 2015

Strand sauber mach tag- Albufeira- Wir haben das künstliches riff grosse blocken sauber gemacht.

teilnehmers: 6 tauchers.

Project 'Aware', 2013 and 2014

Project 'Aware', 2013 and 2014

Due to changing of owners and setup at the dive centre we didn´t do a single one day Project Aware but on many dives during the year like we normally do, we collected any fishing nets, traps and rubbish during the general daily dives.

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